Blockchain Security
Smart Audit and Protection
Using cybersecurity frameworks, assurance services and best practices to reduce risks against attacks and fraud.
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What is Blockchain Security?
Blockchain security is a comprehensive risk management system for a blockchain network, using cybersecurity frameworks, assurance services and best practices to reduce risks against attacks and fraud. Blockchain technology might be touted as being tamper-less. In reality, it’s susceptible to cyberthreats. Consider the following blockchain security issues that can arise, including a few real-world examples of when blockchains were compromised. Hadess can help you to integrated security in your jurney to develop a blockchain application and infrastructure.
all blockchain user activity is transparent and traceable
blockchains are built on the premise that information is recorded but never altered.
blockchain technology is also decentralized
Client goals that can be attained by sast can be divided into four categories:
Fundamental Blockchain Security
Smart Contract Security
Blockchain Risk Assessment
Network-Level Vulnerabilities and Attacks
Key Features of Hadess Blockchain Security Service

We don’t have an antivirus solution that’s waiting on signatures to be developed and pushed out. What we’ve got is that we’re part of a larger collection of organizations that are running Hadess, so any data that we see gets fed back into the system and someone else will benefit from that knowledge.
Actionable outcomes of your business securities
Hadess’s certified ethical hackers provide regular feedback throughout an engagement to ensure that your key stakeholders stay informed. Here’s what you can expect to receive post-assessment
Understand criticality of data and processes
The first step is to understand the sensitivity of the data that is being stored and processed in a Blockchain. By understanding regulatory implications and performing a business impact analysis, the importance of confidentiality, integrity and availability of data can be determined.
Create a threat model
Secondly, traditional threats related to public key infrastructure and application development, such as key compromise and code bugs, must be factored into the analysis. On top of these, Blockchain-specific attack vectors relevant to the given application need to be identified. These include consensus hijack, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), permissioned Blockchain exploitation, smart contract exploitation and wallet hacking (5). Based on these, risk scenarios can be listed and evaluated for likelihood and impact.
Select security controls
The final step is the selection of security controls that address the identified risks. A number of traditional good security practices can be deployed. These include robust key management, code review, data encryption, access control, and security monitoring. In addition, there are techniques specific to Blockchain technology that can be set up, such as secure wallet management, permissioned chain management, and secure smart contract development. Finally, it is important to keep in mind that people, processes and technology are equally important to ensure that Blockchain applications are properly protected. For instance, the impact of the aforementioned DAO hack could have been contained if proper governance structure and incident response process had been put in place.
Hadess’s experts adopt a systematic approach to comprehensively test your organization’s threat detection and response capabilities.

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Our ethical hackers and penetration testing service experts possess the skills and experience to identify the latest threats.