Case Study

Red Teamer Gadgets

Red Teamer Gadgets EBook

Key findings from red team gadget assessments often highlight critical vulnerabilities in network infrastructure, application security flaws, weaknesses in IoT device security, and gaps in user awareness training. These assessments provide actionable intelligence to stakeholders by demonstrating how adversaries could exploit identified vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access, steal sensitive information, or disrupt business operations. By …

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Red Teamer’s Guide to Wi-Fi Exploits

Red Teamer’s Guide to Wi-Fi Exploits EBook

WPA and WPA2 introduced stronger encryption methods with TKIP and AES, respectively. However, they are not foolproof. Red Teamers often exploit weak passwords through dictionary attacks on the four-way handshake process using tools like Hashcat and John the Ripper. Additionally, the KRACK vulnerability in WPA2 exposes networks to potential traffic decryption and injection, highlighting the …

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Mimikatz Comprehensive Cheatsheet

Mimikatz Comprehensive Book

We begin by delving into the history and evolution of Mimikatz, tracing its development from a simple password extraction tool to a multifaceted suite capable of advanced operations. The book then guides readers through the installation and configuration of Mimikatz, ensuring a solid foundation before progressing to more complex topics.

Pwning the Domain: AD CS

Pwning the Domain: AD CS EBook

The key finding is that AD CS, if not properly configured and secured, presents multiple vulnerabilities that can be exploited for domain escalation, persistence, and certificate theft. Attackers can leverage weak permissions, misconfigurations, and specific service vulnerabilities to gain and maintain unauthorized access, emphasizing the need for stringent security measures, regular audits, and adherence to …

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