Practical Use of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Bug Bounty Hunting

The Hacker's Guide to LLMs

Read In This Article

Section 1: Understanding LLMs and Their Role in Bug Bounty Hunting

Introduction to Large Language Models

Overview of what LLMs are

Large Language Models (LLMs) are advanced AI models trained on vast amounts of text data. They can understand, generate, and manipulate human language. LLMs, like GPT-4, are designed to predict the next word in a sentence, enabling them to generate coherent text that resembles human writing. They excel at a wide range of tasks, including natural language understanding, translation, summarization, and more.

Key features and capabilities of LLMs

  • Natural Language Understanding (NLU): LLMs can comprehend and interpret text input with context.
  • Text Generation: They can produce human-like text based on prompts.
  • Few-Shot Learning: LLMs require minimal examples to understand new tasks.
  • Summarization: They can summarize large texts into concise information.
  • Contextual Awareness: LLMs can maintain context over long conversations or text passages.

Examples of popular LLMs (e.g., GPT-4)

  • GPT-4: A state-of-the-art model by OpenAI, known for its impressive text generation capabilities.
  • BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers): Developed by Google, it is excellent for tasks requiring an understanding of context.
  • T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer): Converts all NLP tasks into a text-to-text format.

The Relevance of LLMs in Cybersecurity

How LLMs are transforming cybersecurity practices

LLMs are revolutionizing cybersecurity by providing automated, intelligent insights that improve threat detection, vulnerability assessment, and response strategies. They assist in identifying security vulnerabilities by analyzing vast datasets, generating automated reports, and suggesting remediation steps.

Specific advantages of using LLMs in bug bounty programs

  • Automated Vulnerability Detection: LLMs can scan code, logs, and configurations to identify potential security flaws.
  • Enhanced Threat Intelligence: They can aggregate and analyze threat data to provide real-time insights.
  • Improved Communication: LLMs can draft detailed, understandable reports for both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
  • 24/7 Monitoring: LLMs can operate continuously, ensuring that no threats go unnoticed.

Case studies or examples of successful LLM applications in bug hunting

  • Example 1: An organization using GPT-4 to analyze and flag potentially dangerous code in web applications, leading to the discovery of critical vulnerabilities.
  • Example 2: A bug bounty platform integrating LLMs to assist researchers in identifying patterns in large datasets, improving the speed and accuracy of vulnerability reports.

Getting Started with LLMs for Bug Bounty

Initial steps to integrate LLMs into your bug bounty toolkit

  1. Understand Your Needs: Identify the specific areas in your bug bounty process where LLMs can provide the most value.
  2. Choose the Right Model: Select an appropriate LLM based on your requirements (e.g., GPT-4 for text analysis).
  3. Training and Fine-Tuning: Fine-tune the chosen model on your dataset to tailor it to your specific security needs.

Required technical knowledge and resources

  • Programming Skills: Knowledge of Python or other relevant programming languages.
  • Understanding of AI/ML Concepts: Basic understanding of machine learning and natural language processing.
  • Cloud Computing Resources: Access to GPU-enabled cloud services (e.g., AWS, Azure) for model training and deployment.

Setting up an environment to leverage LLMs effectively

  1. Install Python:
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Set up a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv llm-bug-bounty-env
source llm-bug-bounty-env/bin/activate

Install necessary libraries:

pip install torch transformers

Load and fine-tune a model (e.g., GPT-4):

from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer

model_name = "gpt-4"  # hypothetical name
model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)

# Example prompt for bug bounty
input_text = "Analyze the following code for potential security vulnerabilities:"
inputs = tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors="pt")
outputs = model.generate(inputs['input_ids'], max_length=150)

print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True))

Deploy the model for real-time analysis:

  • Use platforms like Flask or FastAPI to create an API for your model.
  • Deploy the API on a cloud platform for accessibility.

Automating Vulnerability Detection

Before diving into implementation, it’s crucial to grasp how LLMs function and the types of vulnerabilities they can help identify. LLMs, such as GPT-4, are trained on vast amounts of textual data, enabling them to comprehend and generate human-like text. When fine-tuned, these models can analyze code, recognize patterns, and suggest potential vulnerabilities.

Setting up the environment

For effective vulnerability detection automation, you need the right setup:

  • Hardware: A robust machine with adequate computational power, preferably equipped with a GPU.
  • Software: Python, alongside libraries like Hugging Face’s Transformers for accessing pre-trained LLMs, and additional tools for code analysis such as Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) modules and pylint.

Techniques for using LLMs to identify common vulnerabilities 

Using Large Language Models (LLMs) to identify common vulnerabilities in code is an advanced and promising approach in the field of application security. With the right techniques, LLMs can be highly effective in detecting various types of security issues. 

Data Collection  preprocessing 

The first step in using LLMs for vulnerability detection is to collect and preprocess a high-quality dataset. This dataset should include examples of code with known vulnerabilities as well as secure code patterns.

Sources for Vulnerable Code: Open-source projects with reported vulnerabilities, security advisories, and vulnerability databases like the National Vulnerability Database (NVD).

Sources for Secure Code: Well-maintained open-source projects, code from reputable organizations, and best practice examples.

Data preprocessing involves cleaning the data, removing irrelevant parts, and converting it into a format suitable for the LLM.

Techniques for using LLMs to identify common vulnerabilities

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant potential in automating and enhancing the detection of common security vulnerabilities in software codebases. By leveraging their advanced natural language understanding capabilities, LLMs can be employed to identify a range of vulnerabilities effectively. Here are some key techniques for using LLMs in vulnerability detection:

Code Tokenization and Analysis


  • Tokenization: The first step involves converting code snippets into tokens that the LLM can process. This involves breaking down the code into a structured format that retains semantic and syntactic information.
  • Contextual Analysis: LLMs analyze the context within which code tokens appear to understand the purpose and behavior of the code.

How It Works:

  • The model tokenizes the code snippet and processes it to identify patterns or constructs associated with known vulnerabilities.
  • For example, in SQL Injection detection, the model examines how SQL queries are constructed and whether user inputs are directly concatenated into the query.


2. Pattern Recognition and Contextualization


  • Pattern Recognition: LLMs identify common coding patterns that are associated with vulnerabilities. For instance, unvalidated user input or insecure handling of data.
  • Contextualization: The model uses its understanding of code context to determine whether a recognized pattern might lead to a vulnerability.

How It Works:

  • The LLM is trained to recognize patterns such as direct concatenation of user inputs into SQL queries, which is indicative of SQL Injection risks.
  • The model provides feedback based on recognized patterns and contextual information.


3. Comparative Analysis with Known Vulnerabilities


  • Training on Vulnerabilities: LLMs can be trained on a dataset of known vulnerabilities and secure coding practices.
  • Comparative Analysis: The model compares the input code against this dataset to identify similarities with known vulnerable patterns.

How It Works:

  • By training on a diverse dataset of vulnerable and secure code examples, the LLM learns to identify characteristics of insecure code.
  • The model generates alerts if the input code matches or closely resembles known vulnerabilities.


4. Generating Code Recommendations and Fixes


  • Automated Recommendations: LLMs not only detect vulnerabilities but also provide recommendations for fixing them.
  • Code Suggestions: The model can generate alternative code snippets or suggest best practices for secure coding.

How It Works:

  • Once a vulnerability is detected, the LLM generates specific recommendations or code fixes to address the identified issue.
  • The recommendations are based on secure coding practices and industry standards.


5. Leveraging Pre-trained Models and Transfer Learning


  • Pre-trained Models: Utilize pre-trained LLMs that have been trained on extensive codebases and security-related data.
  • Transfer Learning: Fine-tune these models on specific types of vulnerabilities or coding practices to improve their detection capabilities.

How It Works:

  • Pre-trained LLMs like GPT-3 have broad general knowledge and can be further fine-tuned on domain-specific datasets to enhance their vulnerability detection accuracy.
  • Transfer learning allows the model to adapt to new types of vulnerabilities by leveraging its existing knowledge.

6. Interactive Code Review and Feedback


  • Interactive Analysis: Engage the model in an interactive code review process, where the model provides feedback on code snippets iteratively.
  • Feedback Loop: The model refines its analysis based on ongoing feedback and additional code context provided by the user.

How It Works:

  • Users can interact with the model by submitting code snippets and receiving real-time feedback and recommendations.
  • The interactive approach allows for more nuanced and context-aware vulnerability detection.

Examples of Automation Scripts and Tools Powered by LLMs

1. Code Review and Vulnerability Detection

Automate the review of code snippets to identify potential security vulnerabilities, such as SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and more.


We are employing GPT-2 models to identify technical vulnerabilities within codebases. The approach involves tokenizing and inputting code snippets into the GPT-2 language model. The model processes these inputs to detect potential security flaws. If vulnerabilities are identified, the model generates alerts and offers detailed recommendations on how to mitigate these issues through code modifications.

1. SQL Injection Detection

SQL Injection is a vulnerability where an attacker can execute arbitrary SQL queries. The following script uses GPT-2 to analyze code for potential SQL Injection issues.


  • Tokenization and Model Loading: The GPT-2 model and tokenizer are loaded using transformers. The pad token is set to the end-of-sequence token.
  • analyze_code Function: This function tokenizes the input code, processes it through GPT-2, and decodes the output to detect vulnerabilities.
  • Example Code: A code snippet vulnerable to SQL Injection is analyzed, and potential vulnerabilities are printed.

Expected Output:

SQL Injection Detection:

The code appears to be vulnerable to SQL Injection. The query is constructed by concatenating user input directly, which can be exploited to execute arbitrary SQL commands. To mitigate this, use parameterized queries or prepared statements.

Use Case: 

This script can be used by developers and security analysts to automate the detection of security vulnerabilities in code. It scans code snippets for common issues and provides feedback for remediation.

2. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Detection

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities occur when untrusted data is embedded in web pages. The following script demonstrates how GPT-2 can detect XSS vulnerabilities


  • analyze_code Function: Same as above, this function processes the code to detect vulnerabilities.
  • Example Code: A code snippet vulnerable to XSS is analyzed, and the detected vulnerabilities are printed.

Expected Output:

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Detection:

The code is vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). User input is directly included in the HTML response without proper sanitization. To prevent XSS, sanitize user input or use HTML-escaping libraries.

Use Case: 

This script can be used by developers and security analysts to automate the detection of security vulnerabilities in code. It scans code snippets for common issues and provides feedback for remediation.

3. Open Redirect Detection

Open Redirect vulnerabilities occur when a web application redirects users to arbitrary URLs. This script shows how GPT-2 can identify such issues.


  • Example Code: A code snippet vulnerable to open redirect issues is analyzed, and detected vulnerabilities are printed.

Expected Output:

Open Redirect Detection:

The code may be vulnerable to Open Redirect attacks. The redirect function accepts a URL from user input, which could be exploited to redirect users to malicious sites. Validate and whitelist redirect URLs to prevent such attacks.

Use Case: 

This script can be used by developers and security analysts to automate the detection of security vulnerabilities in code. It scans code snippets for common issues and provides feedback for remediation.

4. Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) Detection

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerabilities occur when an attacker can make requests from the server. This script demonstrates SSRF detection with GPT-2.


  • Example Code: A code snippet vulnerable to SSRF is analyzed, and detected vulnerabilities are printed.

Expected Output:

The code is vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF). It allows external URLs to be fetched without proper validation, which could lead to unauthorized access or data exposure. Implement URL validation and restrictions to mitigate this risk.

Use Case: 

This script can be used by developers and security analysts to automate the detection of security vulnerabilities in code. It scans code snippets for common issues and provides feedback for remediation.

Real-Time Assistance and Threat Intelligence


In the realm of cybersecurity, real-time assistance and threat intelligence are crucial for proactive defense and swift response to security incidents. Automation and advanced technologies like Large Language Models (LLMs) are revolutionizing these areas by providing dynamic support and actionable insights. This sub-topic explores how LLMs and automated systems enhance real-time assistance and threat intelligence, enabling organizations to better protect their digital assets.

Automated Incident Response


  • Automation tools and LLMs can facilitate real-time incident response by automatically analyzing security events and suggesting or executing appropriate actions. This helps in mitigating threats promptly and efficiently.

How It Works:

  • Event Analysis: LLMs analyze incoming security alerts and logs, identifying potential threats and their severity.
  • Response Recommendations: The system generates recommendations or scripts for incident response, such as isolating affected systems or applying patches.


Use Case:

  • Real-Time Threat Mitigation: This tool can be used by security analysts to quickly assess and respond to security incidents, reducing response times and minimizing potential damage.

Threat Intelligence

2.1. Real-Time Threat Intelligence Feeds


  • Automation tools and LLMs can aggregate and analyze real-time threat intelligence feeds, providing up-to-date information on emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

How It Works:

  • Data Aggregation: The system collects data from various threat intelligence sources, such as threat feeds, security blogs, and advisories.
  • Analysis and Alerts: LLMs analyze the aggregated data, identifying trends and generating alerts about new threats or vulnerabilities.


Use Case:

  • Proactive Defense: Security teams can leverage real-time threat intelligence to stay informed about emerging threats and adjust their defenses accordingly.

This comprehensive overview highlights the significant benefits of integrating real-time assistance and threat intelligence into cybersecurity practices, demonstrating how LLMs and automation enhance effectiveness and efficiency.

Section 3: Best Practices and Future Trends in LLM-Driven Bug Bounty Hunting

Ethical and Responsible Use of LLMs

Ethical Considerations in Using LLMs for Cybersecurity

Incorporating Large Language Models (LLMs) in cybersecurity practices, especially in bug bounty hunting, necessitates a strong ethical foundation. The potential of LLMs to generate and manipulate content must be balanced against the risk of misuse. Ethical considerations revolve around transparency, accountability, and fairness.

  1. Transparency: Clearly communicate the role of LLMs in the bug bounty process to stakeholders. This includes disclosing when and how LLMs are used in vulnerability identification and reporting. Transparency builds trust and ensures all parties are aware of the AI’s involvement.
  2. Accountability: Establish clear guidelines and policies for the use of LLMs in bug bounty programs. This includes defining who is responsible for the outputs generated by the AI and ensuring that there is a human in the loop to verify and validate findings.
  3. Fairness: Address biases in LLMs to prevent unfair treatment of certain groups or individuals. Techniques such as bias detection and mitigation are crucial to ensure that the LLMs do not propagate or amplify existing prejudices【23†source】  .

Ensuring Responsible Disclosure and Adherence to Legal Standards

Responsible disclosure is a cornerstone of ethical hacking. When using LLMs in bug bounty hunting, it’s essential to adhere to established legal and ethical standards.

  1. Legal Compliance: Ensure that the use of LLMs complies with local and international laws. This includes data protection regulations like GDPR and laws pertaining to cybersecurity practices.
  2. Responsible Disclosure: Follow best practices for responsible disclosure. This involves notifying the affected parties of the vulnerabilities discovered, providing sufficient detail for them to understand and address the issue, and allowing a reasonable time frame for remediation before public disclosure【23†source】 .

Mitigating Potential Risks and Biases in LLM Outputs

LLMs can inadvertently introduce risks and biases into cybersecurity practices. Mitigating these risks involves continuous monitoring and improvement.

  1. Risk Mitigation: Implement robust risk management strategies to handle false positives and negatives in vulnerability detection. Use techniques like adversarial training and regular audits to identify and mitigate risks.
  2. Bias Mitigation: Regularly audit LLMs for biases and employ strategies to reduce them. This can include using diverse training data, employing fairness constraints during model training, and using post-processing techniques to adjust biased outputs【23†source】  .

Continuous Learning and Model Improvement

Strategies for Keeping LLMs Updated with the Latest Threat Data

Cybersecurity threats evolve rapidly, making it crucial for LLMs to stay updated with the latest threat data. Continuous learning ensures that LLMs remain effective in identifying new vulnerabilities.

  1. Data Feeds and Updates: Integrate continuous data feeds from reputable threat intelligence sources. This ensures that the LLMs are regularly updated with the latest threat signatures and attack patterns 【5†source】.
  2. Community Contributions: Leverage community-driven platforms such as GitHub repositories (e.g., Awesome-GPT-Agents) and bug bounty programs to gather real-time threat data and integrate it into the LLM training pipeline【23†source】 .

Techniques for Training and Fine-Tuning LLMs for Specific Bug Bounty Needs

Fine-tuning LLMs for specific bug bounty needs enhances their precision and relevance. This involves customizing the models based on the unique requirements of different bug bounty programs.

  1. Domain-Specific Datasets: Use domain-specific datasets to train LLMs. This includes datasets focused on particular types of vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS).
  2. Transfer Learning: Apply transfer learning techniques to adapt general-purpose LLMs to the specific needs of bug bounty hunting. This involves fine-tuning pre-trained models on datasets relevant to cybersecurity and bug bounty contexts【23†source】 .

Importance of Continuous Learning and Adaptation in Cybersecurity

Continuous learning is vital for maintaining the effectiveness of LLMs in cybersecurity.

  1. Regular Retraining: Schedule regular retraining sessions to incorporate new data and feedback. This helps in keeping the models up-to-date and effective against emerging threats.
  2. Feedback Loops: Establish robust feedback loops between bug bounty hunters and the LLM development team. This ensures that insights and experiences from real-world bug hunting are integrated into the model improvement process【23†source】 .

Future Trends and Innovations

Emerging Trends in LLM Applications for Cybersecurity and Bug Bounty

The future of LLM-driven cybersecurity is promising, with several emerging trends poised to reshape the landscape.

  1. Automation and Augmentation: Increased automation of routine tasks such as vulnerability scanning and reporting. LLMs will augment human capabilities by handling repetitive tasks, allowing cybersecurity professionals to focus on more complex issues【23†source】 .
  2. Advanced Threat Detection: Improved capabilities in detecting sophisticated threats through enhanced natural language understanding and contextual analysis. LLMs will be able to identify and respond to complex attack vectors with greater accuracy【23†source】 .

Potential Advancements in LLM Capabilities and Their Implications

Advancements in LLM capabilities will have significant implications for cybersecurity and bug bounty programs.

  1. Real-time Analysis: Future LLMs will offer real-time threat analysis and response. This will enable faster identification and mitigation of threats, reducing the window of vulnerability.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: Improved collaborative tools powered by LLMs will facilitate better coordination among bug bounty hunters, cybersecurity teams, and organizations. This will lead to more efficient and effective vulnerability management【23†source】 .

Preparing for the Future of LLM-Driven Cybersecurity Practices

To prepare for the future, organizations need to invest in the right tools and strategies.

  1. Invest in Training and Development: Organizations should invest in training their cybersecurity teams to effectively use LLM-driven tools. This includes understanding the capabilities and limitations of LLMs and integrating them into existing workflows.
  2. Adopt Best Practices: Stay updated with best practices and emerging trends in LLM applications. This includes participating in community discussions, attending conferences, and contributing to open-source projects such as Project Discovery’s AIx and Nuclei Templates【23†source】 .

Scenario: Using LLMs in a Bug Bounty Hunt

Imagine a scenario where a bug bounty hunter is tasked with finding vulnerabilities in a new web application. The hunter leverages a customized LLM trained on a dataset of common web vulnerabilities and augmented with real-time threat intelligence data.

  1. Initial Reconnaissance: The LLM performs initial reconnaissance, identifying potential points of entry and generating a list of likely vulnerabilities based on the application’s technology stack.
  2. Automated Testing: Using tools like Awesome-GPT-Agents, the LLM automates the testing process, running scripts to probe for common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and insecure configurations.
  3. Phishing Simulation: The LLM simulates phishing attacks to test the application’s resilience against social engineering. It generates realistic phishing emails and landing pages to evaluate the application’s security measures.
  4. Reporting: After identifying several vulnerabilities, the LLM assists in generating detailed reports, including proof-of-concept exploits and remediation suggestions. The reports are structured to meet the responsible disclosure standards, ensuring clear communication with the affected parties.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Feedback from the bug bounty hunt is used to further train and fine-tune the LLM, improving its performance for future engagements【23†source】     .

Automated Process for Penetration Testing and Bug Bounty Using GPT and LLMs

Scenario: Automating Penetration Testing Using GPT and LLMs

In this scenario, we will explore how to set up a fast and automated process for penetration testing and bug bounty hunting using GPT and other LLMs. We will integrate LLMs with popular tools for vulnerability detection, reconnaissance, and exploitation, such as Subfinder, Nuclei, and ProjectDiscovery’s suite of tools.

  1. Reconnaissance with Subfinder:

   – Subfinder is a subdomain discovery tool that can be used to identify potential targets within a given domain.

   – Command:

     subfinder -d -o subdomains.txt

   – LLM Integration: Use the LLM to analyze the list of subdomains, identify patterns, and prioritize subdomains based on potential risk.

  1. Vulnerability Detection with Nuclei:

   – Nuclei is a fast and customizable vulnerability scanner based on YAML templates.

   – Command:

     nuclei -l subdomains.txt -t nuclei-templates/ -o vulnerabilities.txt

   – LLM Integration: Use the LLM to parse the output of Nuclei, correlate findings with known vulnerabilities, and suggest remediation steps.

  1. Exploitation with ProjectDiscovery’s Tools:

   – ProjectDiscovery’s suite includes tools like Naabu for port scanning and Httpx for web probing.

   – Commands:

naabu -iL subdomains.txt -p- -o ports.txt

httpx -l subdomains.txt -ports 80,443 -o webservers.txt

   – LLM Integration

: Automate the chaining of these tools, analyze the results, and identify potential exploitation paths.

  1. Generating Reports with GPT:

   – Use GPT to generate comprehensive reports based on the findings from the above tools. The report should include:

     – List of discovered subdomains and open ports.

     – Identified vulnerabilities and their severity.

     – Detailed exploitation paths and proof-of-concept (PoC) exploits.

     – Remediation steps and best practices.

  1. Continuous Learning and Adaptation:

   – Set up a continuous feedback loop where the LLM learns from each penetration test, improving its accuracy and efficiency over time.

   – Prompt Example:

Given the following list of subdomains and their respective vulnerabilities, generate a detailed penetration testing report:

     - Subdomain:

       - Vulnerability: SQL Injection

       - Severity: High

       - PoC: ' OR '1'='1

     - Subdomain:

       - Vulnerability: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

       - Severity: Medium

       - PoC:

Connecting LLMs to Famous Tools

  1. Subfinder:

   – Description: A subdomain discovery tool that uses passive sources to find subdomains.

   – Integration: Feed the output of Subfinder into the LLM for analysis and prioritization.

   – Example:

     subfinder -d -o subdomains.txt
  1. Nuclei:

   – Description: A fast, template-based vulnerability scanner.

   – Integration: Use LLMs to parse Nuclei’s output, correlate with known vulnerabilities, and suggest fixes.

   – Example:

     nuclei -l subdomains.txt -t nuclei-templates/ -o vulnerabilities.txt
  1. Naabu:

   – Description: A fast port scanner to discover open ports on hosts.

   – Integration: Chain Naabu with LLMs for automated port scanning and analysis.

   – Example:

     naabu -iL subdomains.txt -p- -o ports.txt
  1. Httpx:

   – Description: A fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit.

   – Integration: Use LLMs to process Httpx output and identify potential entry points.

   – Example:

     httpx -l subdomains.txt -ports 80,443 -o webservers.txt
  1. ProjectDiscovery’s AIx:

   – Description: A toolkit for AI-powered cybersecurity tools.

   – Integration: Utilize AIx for advanced threat detection and response.

   – Example:

     aix -d -o findings.json
  1. ProjectDiscovery’s Nuclei Templates:

   – Description: YAML-based templates for Nuclei to identify specific vulnerabilities.

   – Integration: Keep templates updated and integrate LLMs to suggest relevant templates based on reconnaissance data.

   – Example:

     nuclei -l subdomains.txt -t nuclei-templates/ -o vulnerabilities.txt

Practical Scenario: Fast and Automated Penetration Testing with LLMs

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Initial Setup:

   – Set up a virtual environment and install the required tools.

   – Install Subfinder, Nuclei, Naabu, Httpx, and other ProjectDiscovery tools.

  1. Reconnaissance:

   – Use Subfinder to discover subdomains:

     subfinder -d -o subdomains.txt

   – Feed the subdomains into Naabu for port scanning:

     naabu -iL subdomains.txt -p- -o ports.txt

   – Use Httpx to identify active web servers:

     httpx -l subdomains.txt -ports 80,443 -o webservers.txt
  1. Vulnerability Detection:

   – Run Nuclei to scan for known vulnerabilities:

     nuclei -l subdomains.txt -t nuclei-templates/ -o vulnerabilities.txt
  1. Exploitation:

   – Use relevant exploitation tools and scripts for identified vulnerabilities.

   – Example: Exploit an SQL injection vulnerability using a custom script.

  1. Report Generation:

   – Use GPT to generate a comprehensive report based on the findings.

   – Example prompt:

Given the following list of subdomains and their respective vulnerabilities, generate a detailed penetration testing report:

     - Subdomain:

       - Vulnerability: SQL Injection

       - Severity: High

       - PoC: ' OR '1'='1

     - Subdomain:

       - Vulnerability: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

       - Severity: Medium

       - PoC:
  1. Continuous Learning:

   – Implement a feedback loop to improve the LLM’s performance over time.

   – Regularly update datasets and fine-tune the LLM based on new findings and feedback.


By integrating LLMs with popular vulnerability detection and exploitation tools, cybersecurity professionals can automate and enhance their penetration testing and bug bounty hunting processes. This approach not only increases efficiency but also improves the accuracy and comprehensiveness of security assessments. Continuous learning and adaptation ensure that LLMs remain relevant and effective in the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats.

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